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Outschool App for iOS Devices

You can download this free app from the Apple Store by searching for Outschool.

Updated this week

The Outschool Mobile App for iOS allows Learners to independently log onto Outschool to see class schedules, join live meetings, message their educators, use the Outschool classroom for announcements and comments, and more from an iPhone or iPad.

Technical Requirements

  • iPhone - iOS 15 or greater

  • iPad - iPadOS 15 or greater

Logging onto the App

There are two ways to log into the mobile app:

  1. Parent Outschool credentials

  2. Learner email address

Logging in as the parent will allow you access to all your learner's information and their individual classes. If you created a Learner email address and password for your learner from the Outschool website, they will be able to log into the app and have access to their own classes.

After logging in, click on the “Get Started” button and enable Notifications, which will allow Outschool to send messages and push notifications to the mobile device.

Once this is completed, you will be placed in the “Who’s Learning?” screen. Click on a Learner to see their individual class information.

The “Enter as Parent” button is used to access the Parent profile.

In order to go into the Parent profile, you must first successfully pass the challenge question. If you have multiple learners, use the Profile button on the bottom right of the “My Classes” screen to select a different learner.

My Classes

When a Learner is selected, they will be placed in “My Classes” where their upcoming classes will be displayed. They can also join a class from here when it’s about to start.

The Learner will be placed into the classroom by clicking on their class. From there, the Learner can easily access weekly Lessons, review and comment on classroom announcements, send private messages to the Educator, Join Upcoming Meetings, upload assignments, and review classmates.

Access to Chat groups is not available within the iOS App. Learners should access their Chat groups from their learner dashboard on the Outschool website.

Class Management

In the Parent profile, the “Schedule” tab lets you view your learners’ upcoming classes. You can view their upcoming classes in chronological order under the “All classes” tab, or see which days they have classes on the “Calendar view”.

You can also manage their enrollments by tapping through to a specific class and tapping “Manage enrollment”. Here you can end your enrollment, pause, transfer to a different section, or message the teacher with any other questions. Learn more about enrollment management.

Profile & Settings

The “Profiles & Settings” page displays information about Public Settings, Private Settings, Transactions, Learner Profiles, Device Settings, App version and other information associated with the account. This information is only available through the Parent profile.

Please note the Profile & Settings information is read-only and you must use the Outschool website to modify these settings.


Parents can use the Marketplace button on the bottom left of any non-learner screen to search and purchase new classes for their learners.

You can apply Outschool Promo Codes and Teacher Coupons during checkout in the iOS app. Please note this feature is available to non-members only.

To apply a promo code or coupon:

  • Search and select your desired class from the Marketplace tab

  • Tap “Enroll” and enter your valid promo code or coupon at checkout, then click Redeem

  • Your discount will be applied to your purchase if eligible

From the Marketplace, you can also make an in-app purchase for Gift Card Funds. First, click on the Credit Balance symbol on the top right of the screen.

You can then use the "Buy Now" link to purchase Outschool Cash. Please note that the in-app purchase includes an Apple transaction fee. This fee is not imposed when purchasing from the Outschool website.

If you prefer, you can purchase and redeem Outschool Gift Cards, which can be also used to purchase enrollments and without the Apple transaction fee applied. Go here for additional information on the Outschool Gift Cards.

Searching for Classes

The Outschool app will provide you the same class search results, and some of the filters as found on the web.

After selecting a class from the results, you will be able to review the class description, educator and class reviews, class details, and complete the enrollment process.


To track classes you’re interested in, you can Favorite them before deciding to purchase. You can favorite any class from the Marketplace tab by tapping the grey heart in the search results, or tapping into a class and tapping the heart at the top right-hand corner. You can add them to your ”All Favorites” list, or create and manage your custom lists. These lists are synced with the website to view from any device. To view all your Favorites and custom lists, tap on the Marketplace tab and tap the 'heart icon' at the top.


Parents and Learners can access their messages from the educator by using their individual profiles. Here you can create a new message for educators as well as respond to previous messages.

Logging off of the App

In order to log off of the application, click on the profile on the top right of the screen to go to the Profile & Settings menu. Then, press the “Log out” link at the bottom of the menu to return to the Login screen.


If for any reason the app is not functioning as expected, visit the Apple App Store and then uninstall the app > then Reinstall Outschool App.

Contact Support with any further questions or concerns.

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