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Organizations on Outschool

What to know before you apply

Updated over 2 months ago

Requirements for organizations and teachers

Before applying, note that organizations must meet the following requirements for consideration:

  • Hold a business entity license (i.e. sole proprietorship, LLC, INC, so on)

  • Have at least two teachers above the age of 18 who will teach on Outschool

  • The organization and educators are located within the 50 United States, Mexico, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Spain, and the United Kingdom

While we do not currently support organizations located outside these regions, we hope to be able to soon. Applicants may be asked to share proof of their status as a legal business entity.

Outschool does not require teaching credentials, but has several requirements for teachers and will review expertise as related to your chosen class content. All organization members using Outschool are required to pass a background check and ID verification. This is done through our providers, at no additional cost. In addition, all educators are required to take our professional learning modules on class content, safety, and privacy policies before getting started.

If you are an organization of just one teacher, please apply to be a teacher on Outschool. We do not accept individual teachers as organizations.

Outschool offers a turnkey platform to help organizations bring their programming online and reach a large global audience.

Classes are taught directly on the Outschool platform, which is powered by Zoom and includes features like chat, messaging before and after class, and the ability to post/upload work. Enrollments and payment (via PayPal) also happen automatically through the platform.

As an organization on Outschool, you’ll get:

  • An easy-to-use, safe and secure platform to seamlessly manage class enrollments, schedules, payments, class content, class sizes, prices, curricula, and communication with learners.

  • Access to over 1M Outschool families across the globe, with 150K visiting the site each day.

  • Marketing support via paid social media ads and twice-weekly newsletters.

  • Flexibility to determine how many classes you will offer, the topics, the pricing and the schedule.

  • The ability to easily invite and assign your teachers to teach different classes and sections.

Acing your application and launching with Outschool

In your application to partner with us as an organization, please include links to your website and to public reviews. You should include information about your programming and the educators teaching your classes.

Our team receives many applications from prospective organizations. Remember to put your best foot forward and make your application stand out!

Here are a few tips:

  • Educator Backgrounds: Our team uses the application to get to know your organization and decide if it will be a good fit for the platform. Be sure to detail relevant background information for hired educators, including their experience working with kids. We aim to understand their expertise in relation to the classes you've highlighted, even if that includes personal interests or passions as described in our Lived Experience guidance.

  • Provide Detailed Information: Take the time to outline your organization’s goals and outlook. Outlining which age ranges you intend to serve and class topics you will focus on helps us understand what you’ll bring to Outschool. It can be helpful to list out each educator on your team. When you or your teammates are existing educators on Outschool please be sure to include links to their profiles.

  • Consider Outschool’s guidelines: Review our class content policy and standards for class listing. Keep them in mind when outlining class topics that not all courses will be appropriate for our platform. You can take a look at class listings on Outschool.

  • Checking spelling and grammar: When we look at your application, we are considering whether you will be able to list and lead classes on the platform. Make sure to write clearly and in full sentences. Before submitting, you should be sure to check your application for errors.

Prospective organizations must submit their application and sign the agreement in order to be reviewed. Applications will be processed within 5 business days. At this time, we are unable to give specific feedback on rejected applications, and limit up to 3 submissions.

Once approved, organizations spend about 2-3 weeks creating their profile, completing background checks, listing their first class, and scheduling sections.

Safety, privacy, and Outschool policy

All Outschool classes are recorded for safety and quality assurance. Please read more about class recordings, sharing recordings, and trust and safety at Outschool.

When parents and learners take classes on Outschool, we protect their privacy by not sharing their email or other contact information with educators or organizations. All communication takes place on Outschool’s platform.

Partner organizations may continue offering classes outside of what they offer on Outschool, in-person or through their own technology platform(s), but only students who enrolled in the class through Outschool are allowed to participate in your Outschool classes, and your Outschool Zoom links cannot be shared.

Be sure to familiarize yourself with Outschool's Policies for Organizations and our policies for all Outschool educators. Remember, every member of your organization using Outschool, including administrators/owners and instructors,must complete a background check and required training. To do this, every individual in your organization must create their own teaching account (even if they do not teach) through which a background check and account training can be hosted each year.

Organization admin accounts are for conducting business and assigning classes. No one may teach from the org admin account. All teaching should be done under individual teacher accounts.

Payments and pricing

Families purchase Outschool classes on a per-class basis. Outschool retains 30% of the parent's enrollment cost, and organizations receive 70%. We use this 30% Teacher Fee to cover the cost of Zoom licensing, credit card fees, paid marketing of your classes, and top-tier support from our team. For most classes, you will receive payment for a section 7 or 8 days after its start date.

While Outschool is a marketplace, and you can price your own classes, we've found the $18-21 per learner per hour range to be a helpful benchmark.

I’m an Outschool teacher interested in becoming an organization

If you’re currently an Outschool teacher, we welcome you to apply to become an organization, as long as you're looking to enable multiple teachers to teach the same curriculum on Outschool, under a cohesive organization brand.

If you’d like to convert your existing Outschool teacher account to an organization account, please complete the application while logged in. Once your account is converted, it can no longer be used as an individual teacher account. Your reviews and classes will transfer to the organization.

Ensure you have a teaching account within your organization, and always teach your classes through that account. Teaching is restricted through the organization admin page. Allow several days in your schedule for the onboarding process.

If you want to retain your existing teacher account and create a separate organization account, log out of your Outschool account, then create a new account to apply as an organization. You’ll need to use a separate email address from your teaching account.

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