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Payments, Refunds, and Offers
Information on class payment methods, refund policies, and other Outschool offers.
16 articles
Paying for ClassesA guide to paying for your learner’s classes
Outschool BalancesUnderstanding alternative payment methods you can use on Outschool
UrbanSitter Care Benefits for OutschoolHow to enroll in Outschool classes using your UrbanSitter care benefits
Commonly Asked Payment QuestionsCommon questions about billing outside our standard payment policies
Updating your credit cardHow to update your saved credit card on Outschool
Help for Families Using Charter School Funds on OutschoolHow to enroll learners in our classes with charter funds.
Enrolling Charter School Students in Outschool ClassesHelp for Charter Admins Enrolling their students in Outschool classes
How to Use OpenEd for Outschool ClassesLearn how OpenEd’s tuition-free program works, where it's available, and how to use it for Outschool classes.
Class Cancellation Policy and Refund Eligibility GuidelinesUnderstanding Outschool’s Class Cancellation Policy and guidelines for receiving refunds on class purchases.
Cancellation Policies for Outschool MembersUnderstanding cancellation policies for members when canceling membership plans or class enrollments.
Learning Experience PledgeTerms and guidelines for receiving an Outschool voucher if you discover a class is not the right fit for your learner.