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Responding to Parent Class Requests

Easily connect with families looking for classes like yours by responding to parent class requests.

Updated over 2 weeks ago

Parent class requests help you connect with families actively looking for classes like yours. Instead of waiting for enrollments, this feature automatically brings interested families to you. By responding, you can showcase your expertise, highlight your classes, and build relationships with potential families.

How Parents Submit Requests

Parents use this feature to describe their ideal class, and we share their requests with a small set of highly relevant teachers. A request will stay on your dashboard until the parent receives three teacher replies or it is more than seven days old.

Since parents are actively searching for a class that meets their needs, responding quickly increases your chances of connecting with them. Learn more below about how to respond effectively and make the most of these opportunities.

How Teachers Review and Respond

Review Parent Requests

If a parent submits a request that may match your class offerings, you'll see it under Reply to parent requests on your Teacher Dashboard.

Respond to a Request

  • Click on the request to review the parent's inquiry.

  • Select the most relevant class.

  • Send a message introducing yourself and explaining how your class meets their needs.

Continue the Conversation

If the parent replies, the conversation will move to a direct message on the Conversations page, where you can answer additional questions and assist them with enrollment.

Key Details to Keep in Mind

  • You can reply to up to 3 requests per day, so prioritize the most relevant ones.

  • The frequency of requests may vary based on parent activity and demand.

Make the Most of Parent Class Requests

Responding to parent class requests is a great way to connect with families already interested in what you offer. Take advantage of this opportunity to share your expertise, grow your enrollments, and build lasting relationships.

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