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Teacher Troubleshooting Tips

Common fixes for teachers experiencing technical difficulties

Updated over 8 months ago

Outschool’s video classroom is designed to be easy for students and teachers to access, but we understand that, as with all technology, issues do sometimes arise. Here are some tips to ensure a successful class.

Before Teaching

Please check that your browser and device meet our technical requirements. We support the latest two versions of all major browsers.

Make sure that you’re using the latest version of Zoom. You should be prompted to complete major Zoom updates, but can always check for additional updates on your side.

Check your internet connection speed at We suggest a minimum speed of 3 Mbps for both upload and download speeds.

Host a practice class meeting on your personal free Zoom account, so you’re fully prepared for your first class session:

  • Sign up on

  • Enable the waiting room setting for Everyone, to mimic Outschool’s Zoom settings

  • Double-check your “Play Sound When Someone Joins/Leaves” setting, under the Participants tab, as described below under the While Teaching heading, sixth bullet down.

  • Send your Zoom link in a calendar event or email to your practice group of learners/attendees.

  • Begin your practice “class” at designated time

While Teaching

If you’re unable to get onto the Zoom meeting via the “Start Live Meeting” button on the classroom for any reason, please let your learners know right away by posting a note on the Classroom page to explain that you’re having technical difficulties.

If you're unable to access the Outschool classroom on your primary device, use an alternate device like a cell phone or tablet to log into and communicate with your class via the classroom tab that you're experiencing technical issues.

Quit all unnecessary programs running on your device, and close all excess browser tabs and windows. Programs running in the background cause your computer to run slower.

If Zoom produces a blank screen or does not bring up your meeting as expected, please try the following:

  • Quit Zoom on your device

  • Try to start the meeting again on a different browser, logging into your Outschool account and using the Start Live Meeting button. Usually, Outschool works best on Chrome or Firefox.

  • If that does not work, clear your cache/cookies and browsing data (Here are some basic instructions on ) clearing your cache and cookies for Chrome, FireFox, Safari, or Edge,.

  • Please disable any adblockers or extensions you may have on your browser, or allow to bypass your adblocker. This will look different depending on the adblocker you’re using.

Be aware of learners entering the waiting room as you begin class. You’ll need to let them in one by one. You’ll hear a low-pitched “ding-dong” sound letting you know that a learner has entered the waiting room, then a second, more traditional doorbell sound, "ding-dong," that tells you the learner has entered the Zoom room, once you’ve let them in.

  • If you don’t hear this, change the setting when you first open your Zoom meeting.

  • Make sure that there is a check next to "Play Sound When Someone Joins/Leaves." This is found by selecting "Participants" at the bottom of your Zoom screen. Then select "More ⋁" on the far right.

Other Issues

Outschool relies on many tools working correctly together. Many issues can be resolved by restarting one or more of the tools. If you’re having trouble, we ask that you try these steps before reporting a problem to Outschool.

  • Quit and restart your browser

  • Try a different browser

  • Reload the Outschool website

  • Quit and restart Zoom

  • Restart your computer

Parent Communication

If you’re not able to resolve a technical issue in real-time, please cancel the class meeting by letting parents and learners know via the Classroom. You can also let us know by contacting us or using the Help button in the upper right-hand corner of the website.

  • If it was a one-time class, cancel the section, and a refund will automatically be issued for the missed class.

  • If it was a Multi-day course, you can cancel the meeting time and add a make-up meeting time from the Section Edit tab.

  • If it was an Ongoing course, provide a pro-rated refund for the missed meeting from the Learners tab, using the Change enrollment button.

If a parent reports a technical issue to you (e.g., class recording not working, trouble joining the meeting, etc.), please provide them with troubleshooting tips and direct the parent to contact Outschool Support for assistance.

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