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1-on-1 Classes for Educators

Set up your next great class with Outschool’s 1-on-1 course format.

Updated over 2 months ago

Learn how to use Outschool’s 1-on-1 class format to offer the same great individualized class experience for your learners, while giving yourself, and families greater scheduling flexibility!

1-on-1: How it works

Getting started from the Educator Dashboard

To get started with creating a new 1:1 class, go to the Classes tab from your Educator Dashboard. Simply click Add a class and choose 1:1 Class to start building your new listing!

1:1 classes follow all existing functionalities for creating a class listing as well as Standards for Class Listings. You can see great class listing examples here before submitting your 1:1 class for approval.


Next, you’ll need to set up your availability so families can schedule meetings that align with your schedule. To open up and adjust your schedule, select the Availability tab.

On the calendar, you can set and edit availability for:

  • A single date

  • A date range (ex: Dec 20 - Jan 1)

  • A particular day of the week (ex: all Tuesdays)

New enrollments can only select a recurring timeslot, so single meeting availability will only be offered to existing enrollments.

Educators can also control the minimum notice time for when an enrollment can be accepted, how many days into the future you can allow bookings, and set the start time increments that appear on the listing page.

**Note that 90 days is the furthest availability for bookable dates and the minimum notice time. We recommend scheduling bookable dates 90 days into the future to increase your availability for parents when enrolling.

A few notes on availability settings:

  • If your selected availability overlaps with a group section that is currently empty (0 learners enrolled), families can schedule 1-on-1 meetings during that time slot. When you receive a 1-on-1 enrollment that overlaps with a vacant group section, Outschool will private the group section and notify you via email. You can update the conflicting meetings before re-listing the section as public or cancel if no longer needed.

  • 1-on-1 availability is separate from the auto-scheduling Availability tab on your Dashboard, which is used for all group format classes.

  • 1-on-1 schedule availability cannot be set on mobile and is available on desktop browsers only

  • 1-on-1 classes with availability will not appear on the teacher profile page calendar. Families can view available meeting times from the class listing page.

Enrollment Management

Adding, rescheduling, and canceling meetings

Managing your 1-on-1 enrollments can be done from the course Summary tab. To get started, click View next to the learner for whom you would like to add meetings.

From the Meetings tab of a learner's enrollment, you can suggest a new meeting time (one-time, four weeks, eight weeks, or twelve weeks) and recommend changing the time of an existing meeting.

Teachers can use the Make it Ongoing button next to the enrollment's end date to suggest additional weeks.

Meetings added by a teacher must be confirmed by parents. If the parent hasn’t confirmed after 3 days, we will release the meeting times back to your availability.

Parents are notified of rescheduled meeting times and have three days, or until the original meeting time, to confirm the change (whichever is sooner). After three days, we will cancel the request and release the suggested meeting time to other families.

If a parent does not approve the meeting time change in time and you cannot attend the original class time, you are responsible for canceling with at least 24 hours' notice according to Outschool enrollment management policies.

Canceling a meeting will automatically refund the family. If canceling future meetings, we will stop the future weekly payments.

Private meeting links

Private meeting times are another great way to provide personalized sessions for your learners and can be found in the Availability tab as well.

Please note that private meeting links sent to families will expire 7 days after creating the meeting. If the family does not enroll within 7 days, you must send a new link for families to complete their enrollment.

Changing a Learner’s Session Price

Individual teachers and organization admins can use the steps below to update the price of a learner's enrollment. Organization teachers cannot access this feature.

On the Learner tab of a learner's tutoring enrollment, click Change Enrollment on the right side of the page. Use the arrows to increase or decrease the learner's current enrollment price, then click Update. The family will receive an email explaining that their enrollment price has changed.

Updating the learner's price cancels all upcoming unpaid meetings. The family will pay the updated price for future meetings, and the new price will not affect meetings already paid for. If the learner previously had a recurring schedule, suggest the recurring meeting time so the family can re-enroll at the new price.

Please note that if you're increasing a learner's enrollment price, you must communicate this change with the family. Your communication with families is essential here, so thanks for keeping them informed!

Organization Features

Organizations on Outschool can offer 1-on-1 classes to families once the organization admin assigns teachers to a class and teachers add their availability.

Assigning Teachers as an Organization Admin

From the Manage tab of a 1-on-1 class, click the Assign teachers dropdown to add organization teachers to the class. Once the organization admin assigns a teacher to a class, the teacher can add availability so families can enroll.


To change the teacher assigned to a learner enrollment, click Manage on the righthand side of a learner's classroom. Select the new teacher from the dropdown list of organization teachers assigned to the 1-on-1 class.


Adding Availability as an Organization Teacher

From the 1-on-1 Availability tab of your teaching account, select an assigned class, then click a date on the calendar to add availability for a single date or multiple dates. Using the 1-on-1 Availability tab, you can also buffer time between classes and set minimum and maximum booking windows.


The buffer time educators set for their 1-on-1 class only impacts that specific class. It does not impact sections of their Group or non-migrated classes. This is currently how the buffer time feature works and is the intended behavior.

For example, if the educator has set a 5-minute buffer time, then parents can't book meetings of that specific class within 5 minutes of one another. However, the buffer time does not impact sections of their Group of non-migrated classes, which is how a parent could book a meeting that ended at 4 p.m. even though they had another class beginning at 4 p.m.

Checking Availability as an Organization Admin

Organization admins view teacher availability by clicking the purple View Availability button on the Manage tab of a 1-on-1 class listing or by visiting the classroom of a learner’s enrollment.

Organization admins cannot add or update 1-on-1 availability for organization teachers. As teachers add their availability, admins can view the total number of hours available for enrollment in a 1-on-1 class.


Pricing, Payments, and Refunds

Educator Payouts

You'll receive payment for meetings on Sundays, 13 to 14 days after the scheduled meeting occurs. For recurring 1-on-1 enrollments that automatically charge on Sundays, you'll receive the payout on a Sunday 13-14 days after the week's meetings as well.


1-on-1 classes have a Class Cancellation Policy. Cancel within 24 hours of purchase to receive a refund (excluding the Marketplace fee). If the class meets within 24 hours, cancel before it begins to receive a refund.

Minimum prices for math & English tutoring

To protect educators’ 1-on-1 teaching businesses on Outschool against too much competition, we enforce a minimum price requirement of $30 per hour for 1-on-1 math & English classes. While additional subjects may be added to this policy in the future, we currently only require a minimum price of $30 per hour for math and English classes.

This minimum price is well below the industry average for online tutoring ($60-100 per hour) and is designed to ensure Outschool educators can maintain competitive, sustainable businesses. By doing so, educators can keep teaching what they love, and families can continue to find high-quality classes on our platform.

You’ll see this minimum price in effect for:

  1. New 1-on-1 math and English classes that use the 1-on-1 class format created on or after June 22, 2023.

  2. Existing 1-on-1 math and English classes once they have been migrated to the 1-on-1 class format on or after June 22, 2023.

Enrollments prior to release of 1-on-1 class format in June 2023

For 1-on-1 classes that include learners who enrolled prior to the class’s migration to the 1-on-1 class format, those learners will continue to be charged the price as set when they enrolled. All new enrollments following migration will be subject to the $30 per hour minimum enrollment requirement, and educators may set a price ≥$30 when migrating the class to the new format.

If an educator or organization has not migrated their class to the new 1-on-1 class format, the $30 minimum price requirement will not be applicable.

Coupon guidance

Educators may create coupons for 1-on-1 classes with an enrollment fee below $30 per hour. While coupons can be a valuable tool for educators and families to try out new classes, we encourage educators to set prices that reflect the value of their time and expertise while supporting a sustainable revenue model for their business.

More pricing resources

Educators can explore additional pricing insights and recommendations for all classes on the Educator Library.

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